Trabalhamos para promover a terra que nos viu levantar a Penedino e que acolhe os nossos clientes e amigos. Há uma paixão por uma cultura escondida nas montanhas do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês, que pretendemos mostrar ao mundo, através dos produtos tradicionais portugueses produzidos organicamente na região - do vinho aos biscoitos regionais, terminando com chá ou geleia.
Pode encontrá-los na nossa loja no início da escadaria que leva ao Santuário da Peneda ou encomende-os através do nosso site, para recebê-los na sua porta. Estamos localizados no coração de Gavieira, uma das mais belas aldeias dos Arcos de Valdevez.
Pode encontrá-los na nossa loja no início da escadaria que leva ao Santuário da Peneda ou encomende-os através do nosso site, para recebê-los na sua porta. Estamos localizados no coração de Gavieira, uma das mais belas aldeias dos Arcos de Valdevez.
We work to promote the land that has seen us raise Penedino and that welcomes our clients and friends. There is a passion for a culture hidden in the mountains of the Peneda-Gerês National Park, which we intend to show the world, through traditional Portuguese products organically produced in the region - from wine to regional biscuits, ending with amazing tea or jelly.
You can find them in our shop at the beginning of the stairway that leads you to the Sanctuary of Peneda or orders them through our website, to receive them right at your front door. Our location is right at the heart of Gavieira, one of the most beautiful villages of Arcos de Valdevez.
You can find them in our shop at the beginning of the stairway that leads you to the Sanctuary of Peneda or orders them through our website, to receive them right at your front door. Our location is right at the heart of Gavieira, one of the most beautiful villages of Arcos de Valdevez.
Nous travaillons à la promotion de la terre qui nous a vu élever Penedino et qui accueille nos clients et amis. Il existe une passion pour une culture cachée dans les montagnes du parc national Peneda-Gerês, que nous avons l'intention de montrer au monde entier, au moyen de produits portugais traditionnels issus de la culture biologique de la région - du vin aux biscuits régionaux, en passant par un thé ou une gelée étonnante
Vous pouvez les trouver dans notre magasin au début de l'escalier qui vous mène au sanctuaire de Peneda ou les commander sur notre site Web, pour les recevoir directement à votre porte. Notre emplacement est en plein cœur de Gavieira, l'un des plus beaux villages d'Arcos de Valdevez.
Vous pouvez les trouver dans notre magasin au début de l'escalier qui vous mène au sanctuaire de Peneda ou les commander sur notre site Web, pour les recevoir directement à votre porte. Notre emplacement est en plein cœur de Gavieira, l'un des plus beaux villages d'Arcos de Valdevez.
Trabajamos para promover la tierra que nos ha visto criar a Penedino y que da la bienvenida a nuestros clientes y amigos. Hay una pasión por una cultura escondida en las montañas del Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês, que pretendemos mostrar al mundo, a través de productos tradicionales portugueses producidos orgánicamente en la región, desde vino hasta galletas regionales, que terminan con un té o jalea increíble.
Puede encontrarlos en nuestra tienda al comienzo de la escalera que lo lleva al Santuario de Peneda o pedirlos a través de nuestro sitio web, para recibirlos directamente en la puerta de su casa. Nuestra ubicación está justo en el corazón de Gavieira, uno de los pueblos más hermosos de Arcos de Valdevez.
Puede encontrarlos en nuestra tienda al comienzo de la escalera que lo lleva al Santuario de Peneda o pedirlos a través de nuestro sitio web, para recibirlos directamente en la puerta de su casa. Nuestra ubicación está justo en el corazón de Gavieira, uno de los pueblos más hermosos de Arcos de Valdevez.
The mission of Penedino is to allow our clients to enjoy their time away from the noises of the city and to know nature in its natural state. The geolocation devices, will allow them to understand, where the animals of the region are - cows, goats, horses, sheep, etc. and follow them with our trails.
The breeders of the region and Digitanimal will be a fundamental part of this process.
The breeders of the region and Digitanimal will be a fundamental part of this process.
Now, you can locate your cattle and have access to the path traveled by the animals.
Everything under your control, through the Phone, Tablet PC or PC.
Everything under your control, through the Phone, Tablet PC or PC.
Long-life battery
We offer up to 1 year of battery life so you do not have to worry about anything, in addition, we will send you a new one every year. No surprises
Increase productivity
Digitanimal helps you improve the profitability of your farm by reducing losses and increasing reproduction rate.
Always updated
We work with the best animal research centers to offer new functionalities.
Forget worries if an animal is not in the desired place or if its behavior is not appropriate, Digitanimal notifies you if something happens.

How does it work?
Digitaanimal geolocation device which is put in the animal’s neck, has na adjustable colar and different sensors capable of controlling the location of the animals 24 hours per day so that, in case of any problem, the user is automatically notified. The signals communicated from the colar allow the breeder to collect and analyse several elements, such as: the health of the animal, geographical position, movements, corporal temperature, notifications if the animal flees from the digital fence, etc.
Through the application of APP management, you have full control and observation of the main events related to your livestock, leaving you more time for other activities that you can develop. The APP application of Digitanimal allows:
Cattle management
Monitoring the reproductive period of animals and their offspring
Sanitary control and monitoring of livestock in the pasture area
Management of cattle pasture and fattening
Control and monitoring of animal welfare
Active filters
Exemplos de aplicação
Application examples
Exemples d'application
Ejemplos de aplicación